Investigation Launched Regarding Springfield City Councilwoman Jan Fisk

Investigation Launched Regarding Springfield City Councilwoman Jan Fisk

Investigation Launched Regarding Springfield City Councilwoman Jan Fisk

Springfield City Council is investigating claims that Councilwoman Jan Fisk had conflicts of interest between her position and her family businesses.

A complaint filed by Linda Simkins claims Fisk Limousines provided charter bus service to the city of Springfield, but officials in Springfield weren’t aware because the business was outsourced by a different company based out of Kansas City.

A second complaint claims Fisk didn’t tell the city she was part owner of her son’s rental management company.

The complaint says Fisk continued to vote on issues regarding rentals, nuisances and zoning without telling city council.

Fisk denies any wrongdoing. She says she met with the city attorney before taking office about potential conflicts of interest.

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